About Me

Spiral DesignMy Story

Greetings! I’m Robbie Priestley, a shamanic practitioner from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I am honored to be a member of the faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. My background is in computer science and business, and I had a successful career in technology. Then I experienced a spiritual awakening which transformed my life, leading me to shamanism.

The wild is where my heart truly resides. For many years, as a mountaineer and outdoor adventurer, I went questing in the wilderness. I climbed isolated mountains alone, and completed challenging solo hikes of the West Coast Trail and the Stein Valley Traverse. Nature is a powerful teacher and healer. Being solitary in the wild for days on end pushed my personal limits, and I learned who I truly am. Nature still calls to me, and I enjoy hiking alone to high places where my soul can soar with the birds on the wind, experiencing true freedom.

After years of shamanic training, study, and shamanic healing experience, I offer Core Shamanic healing at a multidisciplinary clinic in Duncan, British Columbia. I also see clients online. My practice is equally informed by both ancient shamanic tradition and modern science. The focus of my work is on shamanic empowerment. As an instructor of shamanism, I enjoy working with others and helping them make their own discoveries. I teach the Foundation's shamanic workshops both online and in-person.

Robbie With Drum

Spiral DesignMy Training

I have completed over 200 credit hours of formal training with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies based in California. I hold a certificate of completion for the Foundation's Online Shamanic Healing Training Program. I am also a participant in the Foundation's Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing.

Spiral DesignCore Shamanism

I am trained in the shamanic system of Core Shamanism, as defined by anthropologist Dr. Michael Harner. Core Shamanism is a modern, accessible shamanic system based on the "core" (universal) shamanic practices found in all shamanic traditions around the world. While Core Shamanism is a genuine and authentic tradition, it also strongly respects cultural identity, and does not appropriate any unique cultural or indigenous practices.