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Fire CircleShamanic Services

Ancient SpiritualHealing Traditions
For Modern Wellness


I'm Robbie Priestley, a trained and experienced shamanic practitioner from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I use the ancient, traditional methods of shamanism to provide spiritual healing services to my clients. My main goal is to help you become self-empowered, so you can heal spiritual wounds and end suffering without becoming dependent on others.

Robbie Profile Picture

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual healing tradition, and its ancestral roots are found in every culture on Earth. Shamanic practitioners work in direct cooperation with nature to provide spiritual healing services to their clients. Through the use of rhythmic drumming, shamanic practitioners are able to shift consciousness and enter other levels of reality. They do this in order to interact with spirit helpers, obtain insight, and perform spiritual healing.

What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a traditional spiritual practice intended to help heal spiritual wounds and correct spiritual problems affecting a person's overall state of health and wellbeing. Problems with soul and spirit can manifest to produce different forms of illness, disease, distress, and suffering. A shamanic practitioner can identify and help correct such spiritual health problems, promoting the client's return to wellness.

My Services

I am trained in a variety of traditional shamanic methods I can use to help my clients return to wellness. Each client is unique and has individual requirements for shamanic support. I focus on providing my clients with strong spiritual guidance, leading to their self-empowerment and spontaneous healing.


I have been working with Robbie for many months now. He has helped me immensely with my spiritual journey. He is very patient, kind and compassionate. He performed a soul retrieval which was beautiful and so healing for me... I am so grateful and blessed to have Robbie as my shamanic practitioner. Thank you again, Robbie, for all the healing and wisdom you have shared with me. —Amy

Robbie sows and cultivates a beautiful relationship with the compassionate helping spirits, and with all of life, to bring forth powerful healing, wisdom and guidance for those he supports. I am honored to recommend him and the services he provides. Through a song that Robbie shared with me, I received an incredibly powerful and transformative healing, and through divination that Robbie provided to me, I navigated a challenging aspect of my life, increasing in wholeness and joy in life. I witness, every time we interact, his steadfast integrity. —Heather

I highly recommend Robbie's shamanic services. He cares deeply for his clients, and his shamanic skills are truly remarkable. As someone who was suffering with severe neurological symptoms he all but eliminated many of my mood symptoms (including near constant and rotating episodes of anxiety, agitation, anger, and depressive episodes that had been plaguing me for years). Energy medicine is an all too often forgotten piece of the puzzle when it comes to our mental and physical health. I am so grateful for Robbie's expertise and compassionate shamanic skill set. —L from Vancouver

Land Acknowledgement

In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, I acknowledge that I live and work in the traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. With deep respect, I thank the Snuneymuxw, Stz'uminus, and Quw'utsun First Nations, whose ancestral land I have learned to love deeply and spiritually. Hay ch qa' (thank you).